Forum Guidelines

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Forum Guidelines

Post by Stuka »

Topics that do not fall under this area as described will be moved or deleted. Which ever is more appropriate.

1: Topics or posts which are intended to be political in nature, and may result in political arguments are not allowed.

2: Topics or posts which are intended to be of a religion manner are not allowed. However, somebody stating that they will "Pray" for somebody, or they "Thank God" is ok. These types of comments are not intended to start a religious conversation and/or argument as they are typically said in an off-handed way.

3: Topics or posts containing vulgar or pornographic content will not be allowed under any circumstances.

4: Topics or posts containing harsh language are not allowed. This includes some four letter words. There is a word filter which will catch some of them. The general rule is that if it can be said on broadcast TV, its ok to say here.

5: Topics or posts containing links to copyrighted materials such as music, movies, or software that would typically cost money, are not allowed. Links to freeware is allowed on a case by case basis. Which means if you are thought to be spamming, you may be banned.

6: Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Period.

Please note that these rules are subject to change!
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Pevious Jeeps: 1981 J10, 1975 Cherokee, 2008 JK, 2005 KJ, 1989 XJ