1984 AMC Eagle Leadville, CO 80461

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1984 AMC Eagle Leadville, CO 80461

Post by Grand_Wag_85 »

By a weird series of events my Eagle that I sold off last year came back.

1984 AMC Eagle with roughly 300K. New paint in about 2009, new engine in about 2007. Only original drive-line component that hasn't been touched is the trans which still works. On a cold day if you haven't driven it in a while it may take a few minutes to find reverse, it's been like this for 12 years and works for me. I think with a good flush, filter change and band adjustment it should stop doing this.

Engine wise has GM TBI but the TBI needs to be tuned. Bought the system from Performance Fuel Injection and their tune SUCKED so I uploaded a 258 tune off the internet which at least makes it driveable. Aside from the TBI the car needs to be rewired. It's driveable but it needs to be rewired.

4WD works as it should and has been converted to shift on the fly. I will be throwing in an NP229 so you can now have low range.

Just rebuilt the rear end and it has all new brakes.

Main reason I'm selling is I have WAY too many projects.

Asking $2000 but open to offers.

82 J10
77 J10 Golden Eagle 401
88 GW

You know it's bad when your car is on the EPA's 10 most wanted list!
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Re: 1984 AMC Eagle Leadville, CO 80461

Post by Grand_Wag_85 »

Forgot to include that the suspension was replaced and the car is lifted 2" over stock.
82 J10
77 J10 Golden Eagle 401
88 GW

You know it's bad when your car is on the EPA's 10 most wanted list!

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Re: 1984 AMC Eagle Leadville, CO 80461

Post by Srdayflyer »

still available ?
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