Repaired my rusty roof rack yesterday.
Thread here: ... 11&t=12002
Today, I tackled the wrinkled front fender. Was gonna try to hammer and block it a bit straighter (no, I'm not a pro.... At all).
The front edge looked a lot better after I worked on it. Inspired, I moved on to the rear of the wheel opening.
Full of bondo and worse than I thought it to be.
F*** it mode hit.

I made it look halfway decent by sanding and (somewhat) blending the bondo back to the metal.
I rattle canned some primer over the bare areas and shot it with some parts store 'medium garnet metallic' rattle can paint.
Let it get tacky, then hit it with the same treatment for the clear.
Not perfect, by any stretch, but decent enough to pass the 200 ft test.
Actively seeking a replacement passenger front fender now.
Given this turn of events, I'll probably have a shop color match the new fender, then I'll bite the bullet and redo the woodgrain graphics. The paint job isn't perfect, sports a few runs, and has a few scratches, but it is decent (no rust or dents otherwise). So, I'll do the vinyl and run it for several more years as is. Not gonna drop $5K-$7K+ into the body yet.
Here are the results:
Not too bad color wise considering it is a rattle can job.
The spot on the rear of fender that was chock full of poorly applied bondo. This area looked decent initially, but after attacking what I thought was peeling paint, the loose bondo gave way to this massive dent.

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