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Thanks Bob

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:28 am
by Gumby
You have just made the wife a really unhappy woman.... I meant my wife not yours :D . This is Martin it was great being over yesterday but I was once again frustrated. Got the motor in but more issues just showed up. Transmission is not bolted to the cross member hell to get a motor mated to the tranny then.

Great to be here though.

Re: Thanks Bob

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:42 pm
by Tad
Glad you made it over here Martin.

PM me the outside diameter and the length of the tube you need for the plate on that engine stand.
Mines homemade out of some pipe and looks a bit larger than Bob's.

Re: Thanks Bob

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:19 pm
by rstep
Welcome Martin,sorry Star :D
What troubles you having,I'll be free,to help.
Do have to help Tad Friday so that's the only day not around.

Re: Thanks Bob

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:32 am
by Gumby
Tad, I just realize that I no longer had the rest of the attachments for the stand. So to save the effort to get the plate made, HB has a sale on the stand which may be cheaper to just get a complete one instead.

Bob, You would not believe it but the tranny is not mounted to the crossmember :shock: . We could not figure out why the motor was about two inches off. Well the tranny had moved that far to the rear. We got two bolts put back in and some of the electrical back on the engine. Now just the radiator and some hoses fill it up and hopefully fire.

Thanks for getting me over here. I really need to just get the jeep here to work on it... too far and too slow at this point.