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Where to spend your time

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:23 am
by Jawzjeep
Hey guys and gals, just want to put this out there. I love my projects, and my projects love me. For years I was the guy always in the garage. But, I'd like to speak on that.

My 3 kids are 9, 10 and 23. When my 10 year old was 5 she was found to be terminal, with no estimation on what kind of a timeline we're working with. One of the worst fears a parent can have. But being forced into this situation I had to deal with it and my perception of what's important changed dramatically.

Don't forget about your kids guys and gals. I know it's easy to get our heads buried into a project. But projects are projects, they can start and stop at anytime. You can drop your tools today and they'll be in the exact same place a year from now and so will whatever you're working on. And then your project will sit idly by waiting for you to get back to it. But our children won't. They keep becoming men and women as we spend our time in our garage. You can't just put them in a corner like a project and expect them to be in exactly the same place when you get back. A time may come when you wish you could get back some of that time you lost with them. Don't let that happen.

Life is precious. Spend time now, before the option is taken from you. You never know how much time you'll get.

Re: Where to spend your time

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:29 pm
by Stuka
I don't have children, but the same can be said for any family members. I recently had some family losses, and it really made me wish I had spent more time with them.

Re: Where to spend your time

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:14 pm
by Jawzjeep
I'm sorry for your losses. It is the same, yet very different. Life has a way of excusing you from visiting your cousins or grandparents or uncles when you both have a job and there's only so much time in the day. It is very different however when your children are on the other side of a wall and you're in the garage, or a 20-foot patch of grass separates your detached garage from your kids who are getting older by the blink. And I mean by the blink.

You're right STUKA. Everyone I've ever lost I've wished I could have spent more time with them. Most people feel that way. I get it. When speaking about our kids within our household daily, we ourselves have the ONLY blame. There is nobody that we have more influence over.

As I write this my kids are on the other side of a garage wall playing together. Not hanging with their dad. Time to go fire up the gokart. Purchased for the sole purpose of bringing our relationship closer. All my other projects will be exactly when I left them.

As a side note the go-kart is bringing the Neighbors and my family closer together too. At least I think with all the yelling and hand waving.